Tuesday, January 7, 2014


My SIL is gorgeous. Like, really. And her baby is gorgeous. This shoot was one of my absolute favorites. I'm so happy that I get to add this sweet baby to my list of babies to take pictures of. 
I wonder if they will hate me when they grow up? 

New addition, siblings photoshoot

I am SO lucky that I got to take these beautiful children's photos. Most kids are always a little nervous to get their pictures taken but these ones are pros. 
I can always tell when mom has chosen the right bribe for good behavior...

This little baby boy has some amazing blue eyes.

 And then there's this little "character" as my Grandma would say. She is so darn giggly and silly and adorable!

Why can't I have this natural tan? Darn it kid. You don't know how lucky you are. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Cousins Sleepover Time!

These little cuties were in their jammies and just too cute to not snap a few pictures before our movie party. 


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Fun Family Shoot

It was awesome to be able to do this shoot up Provo Canyon. This cute family was prepared to just have fun and capture the candid moments. Those little cars don't look like they are going very fast, but let me tell ya, that's quite the rush! ha ha. Good thing there's no picture of me going down the hill. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cornfest 2012

While we were in Canada for our annual CORNFEST trip with Grandma and Grandpa Layton we took some time to trespass into a field and take some pictures of Thing 1 and Thing 2. Dudes just turned 4 so these were his birthday pics. Can't believe how fast they grow...

Seriously, those EYES. He gets whatever he wants with those eyes... 

Fall Family Picture Time!

Can I just say how much I love this family? I am not sure I have laughed harder behind the camera. I am supposed to be making YOU laugh! You guys looked great and your kids did A.M.A.Z.I.N.G